Tuesday 27 March 2012



Hmm. tia tau lah apa mau cakap lagi. kau masih tia dapat tangkap gaya sa kn? sa marah or merajuk pun kali kau tia tau. sa tau kau tia pandai pujuk. but u can think bah how to cheer me up. suda lah kemarin sa tunggu massge kau. sa pikir kau balik tidur. cek cek. datang satu massge blg" aiya. sory syg. terlampau syok ceta. tia sedar sms. muah2" i was like. damn. yeah. i know labah friend is important but atlest kau kasi tau labah yg kau mau ceta lu mah kwn kau. thn. tia jua sa balik balik tingu phone than pikir lain lain kn? tapi if kau tia balas time kau keja. sa paham lah. nie? hm. 

oke than yang kau massge tue yamg kau telling me that your sorry tue. mmg sa tidur suda. lau kau tau sa suda tia blas. atleast kau miss call labah brapa kali so sa bulie bangun. than balas massge kau kn. nie. post post di fb bilang itu lar ini lar. bah. mana lah sa tau. 

yaaa. memang lah sa kuat marah. tapi dalam kuat marah sa tue. cepat jua oke. kau cuma mau tau macam mana mau handle api jak. gitue jak. easy and simple kn? sa tau sa nie bukan lah baik sangat. sa tau sa nie bikin panas. and what so ever lah kan. hm tia tau larrrr.


If you still love me and don't want to extant this argument. 
  • Text me that your sorry for the last time. 
  • Tell me that you want us to stay a bit longer. 
  • Tell me that you will stay together with me to fight the problem so i feel that there still someone else who love me more than the one who leave me.
  • Tell me that your the one who deserve me because you know that you are better than him. 
  • Tell me that you will protect me than any rumors.
  • Tell me that you love me and need me in your live.
Nie arie jak sa tunggu kau massage. but if your EGO masih tinggi. sa tia tau lah.
cause nie arie sa mau EVERYTHING is LAST. Last missing. Last crying and Last hoping. 

klah. bai. muah.

I LOVE YOU my lil Tella and Munyit. Muahmuah ♥